
I'm a girl...okay, woman, in her early 30s living in the south-east of England.  I've had mental health problems (mainly depression) since the age of 14/15, with three hospital admissions, and the rest you can read down below (I'm keeping for..prosperity. Is that the right word...?)

I have a full-time job/profession, and I'm still on antidepressants. Have fun reading my angsty posts from 10 years ago. 😁

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I'm a 20-something girl living in the south-east of England and I've had mental health problems since the age of 15, maybe even earlier. I've had 2 suicide attempts, self-harmed, have OCD, been in hospital at least 3 times and been sectioned (only on section 5(2) though).

But on the bright side I'm currently at university..and....that's it?